Customising Your Collection’s Design

Beyond the basic options found within the Settings Settings icon area, Uwazi offers several advanced ways to enhance the look and feel of your collection. This includes:

  • Adding links to the main navigation menu

  • Personalising the appearance of your collection by defining CSS styles

  • Adding custom Pages that contain information about your collection, incorporate Submission Forms or Contact Forms, or feature charts, maps and other dynamic data visualisation components

  • Creating a stylised display for certain types of entities

Many of these advanced options require coding and programming knowledge, and as such, you may need to seek support from a software developer.

How to configure your collection’s main navigation menu

By default, the main navigation menu that runs along the top of an Uwazi instance includes links to:

You can also add additional items to the menu such as a filtered subset of entities in the Library or a Page.

To configure items on the navigation menu:

Step 1: Navigate to the Settings Settings icon area and click on Menu.

Step 2: Click on the Add link button near the bottom of the screen. Add a title for your item and its corresponding URL.


If the link is for a Page within your Uwazi collection, make sure to use the relative URL. A relative URL starts with a slash / and skips the domain name. For example, /page/dicxg0oagy3xgr7ixef80k9 or /library/?searchTerm=test. This ensures that the link will open within the same browser tab. If you use the full (absolute) URL including the domain name, the link will open in a new browser tab.


If the link is for a subset of entities in your Library that makes use of filters organised into a group, it’s important that you generate the URL by double-clicking on the group’s name in the filters sidebar. This action will transform the green checkmark into a green box, which indicates that the entire group has been selected as a unit. If any filters are added to the group in the future, they will automatically be included in the URL of the Library query. Learn more about filters.

Step 3: If you have several related menu items, you can group them together into a dropdown menu. To do so, click the Add group button. Provide a main title for the group, then click the Add button. Then add a new link or edit an existing one and assign it to the created group. Repeat this process for however many menu items you want to include in the dropdown menu.

Step 4: You can rearrange items into a different order by dragging and dropping.

Step 5: Click Save when you have finished.

How to customise your collection’s CSS styles

By default, an Uwazi instance is styled in a shade of blue and utilises fonts from the Roboto family. Using a CSS style sheet, you can modify your collection’s appearance, such as by adding your organisation’s logo to the main navigation menu, implementing a different color scheme or font style and more.

Step 1: If you intend to incorporate a logo, you must first upload it into your collection. To do so, navigate to the Settings area Settings icon and click on Uploads in the Tools section. Upload the image file from your computer and take note of the URL that Uwazi has assigned it.

Step 2: Go to Global CSS in the Tools section and add your custom CSS in the space provided. Writing a CSS style sheet requires coding knowledge, but here is some sample CSS to start out:

    header {
    background-color: #191916;
    border-bottom: 0;

    .logotype {
    background-image: url(/uploaded_documents/1532354013023uzqh9gcnmztchlw8iacibpgb9.png);
    background-size: auto 30px;
    background-position: left 15px center;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    text-indent: -9999px;
    width: 265px;

Step 3: Click the Save button to save your changes.

How to add pages to your collection

A basic Uwazi instance comprises the Library Library icon, where the entities contained within your collection can be browsed and displayed in several different ways, and the Settings Settings icon area, where you can configure the administrative settings of your collection. You also have the option to create additional Pages; these pages could offer background information about your collection; incorporate Submission Forms or Contact Forms so members of the public can get in touch; feature charts, maps and other data visualisation components; and more.

To add a Page:

Step 1: Navigate to the Settings Settings icon area and click Pages.

Step 2: Create a new page by clicking Add page. Add the page’s title in the corresponding field, the content of the page in the space provided under the Markdown tab, and click Save.

Step 3: After saving, the URL field under the Basic tab will contain the Page’s unique URL. You may, for example, want to copy this URL and add it as an item on your collection’s main navigation menu.

Creating and formatting the content of a Page in Uwazi requires coding knowledge (Markdown language, HTML, CSS). For experienced developers, there is also the option of appending custom Javascript to a Page by utilising the dedicated Javascript tab. We have created some custom code components for Pages in Uwazi that make it straightforward to:

  • incorporate a Library search bar

  • display a dynamic selection of entities in card format

  • click to view an entity’s full information, displayed in a sidebar that expands directly on the Page

  • incorporate a Contact Form

  • incorporate a Submission Form

  • display a dynamic counter, bar chart, pie chart or list chart that visualises a selection of your collection’s data

  • display a dynamic map that visualises a selection of your collection’s data

How to display entities as stylised pages

An Uwazi collection is made up of different types of entities. You can browse the entities in the Library Library icon as cards, in a table or on a map (as long as they have an associated geolocation). If you click on an entity, you can see all of the information that it contains displayed within the right sidebar. Furthermore, by clicking the View button on an entity, you can also see the same information displayed on a full-width page that by default incorporates minimal formatting.

In Uwazi, you can replace this default full-width page view with a customised design that incorporates formatting and components of your choosing. This feature is called Entity Page View. Solid coding and programming knowledge is required to fully take advantage of Entity Page View.

Basic concepts

Uwazi allows you to create pages for two different purposes:

  • Designing your website with pages that render mostly static content with additional options to include collection-wide data analysis.

  • Replacing the standard Entity View with a custom page to better display and showcase data for each entity of a particular template type.

Defining a page for a particular template

The procedure to assign a page to be used as the default view of entities of a particular template is the following:

  • Create a Page: Settings -> Pages -> Add Page (or edit an existing page).

  • Give it a descriptive name and select the “Enable this page to be used as an entity view page” toggle button. This flags this page as enabled for entity view.

  • Edit the desired template configuration (Settings -> Templates -> Edit) and enable the “Display entity view from page” toggle.

  • From the dropdown, select the previously created or edited page to use as page for entity view.

Once this is done, when you enter the entity view for entities of that particular template, you will be presented with the page you just defined, instead of the traditional “metadata view” for that entity.

Designing the page

You can include all of the extended components described below to further design your page. You can also include the data visualization components described in Visualising and Analysing Your Collection’s Data.

EntityData component

The simplest way to extract values from an Entity in a Page is with the new component <EntityData>.

This component will render the same HTML you see when you go to an Entity view. Therefore, it is already pre-processed and text fields will render as plain text, rich texts will have HTML tags to render properly, images will include an HTML <img> tag with the correct source, etc. This is a convenient way to quickly access property values and their corresponding labels (properly translated for each language).

The <EntityData> component takes one of two properties:

  • value-of: a string representing the name of the property of the value be rendered

  • label-of: a string representing the name of the property of the label to be rendered

Take the following entity structure as example:




Name of a book

Brief Description

Something nice



Date of Publication

13 July, 1977

Cover Image

You have access to property names and values passing the correct HTML syntax. For example, the following code:

<h1><EntityData value-of="title" /></h1>
  <li><EntityData label-of="Brief Description" />: <EntityData value-of="Brief Description" /></li>
  <li><EntityData label-of="Country" />: <EntityData value-of="Country" /></li>
  <li><EntityData label-of="Date of Publication" />: <EntityData value-of="Date of Publication" /></li>
  <li><EntityData label-of="Cover Image" />: <EntityData value-of="cover_image" /></li>

will output:

Name of a book

  • Brief Description: Something nice

  • Country: Ecuador

  • Date of Publication: 13 July, 1977

  • Image: Book Cover

Notice that the code would be identical for different languages if you have your content and labels properly translated, so this is a useful feature. You would still need to define the HTML for each language, but they would all be identical.

Advanced design

If the EntityData component is not versatile enough for your needs, pay particular attention to the Query Component section. The preparation steps of defining the page as “Enabled” to be used in entity view are important because they provide the data you need to display each entity’s data. With them you have access to three automatically-generated DATASETS:

  • entity

  • entityRaw

  • template

These new datasets can be consumed via the Value and Repeat components, just as with any other Query defined data. The entity dataset presents “formatted” entity data, where some values have presentational values or labels added to them (like dates, for example). The entityRaw dataset presents you with the unprocessed data as it is stored in the database.

To use this data, you would access the entity’s properties normally. For example, to print the Entity’s title, you would use something like:

<p><Value path="entity.title" /></p>

This, as expected, wraps the entity’s title within a paragraph tag element.

Accessing the entity’s metadata requires a little more knowledge into the way Uwazi data is structured.

entity dataset

The data has some values stored at the root level of the object, while most are stored inside the metadata object.

If EntityData is not a valid option for your needs, this is the easiest dataset to use. This data has the advantage of having some values already pre-processed for you, but not to the level of EntityData. For example, dates in Uwazi are stored using Unix time. The entity dataset provides the original value, but also a formatted value you can use that already takes into account date formats according to language, etc. It also includes the template labels correctly translated.

Take the following entity structure:





Name of a book

Brief Description

Something nice



Data based on a Thesaurus of countries

Date of Publication

13 July, 1977

Internally this would be: 1621618430

Cover Image

Depending on the type, each property could have somewhat different structures. As an example, the above entity will look like this in the entity dataset:

  title: 'Name of a book',
  metadata: {
    brief_description: {
      label: "Brief Description",
      value: "Something nice"
    country: {
      label: "Country",
      value: "Ecuador"
    date_of_publication: {
      label: "Date of Publication",
      value: "13 July, 1977",
      timestamp: 1621618430
    cover_image: {
      label: "Cover Image",
      value: ""

Note: this a simplified version of the actual data, if you want to see all the data, there are a couple of ways. One is described at the end of this page, another is to install the “React Developer Tools” extension for Chrome and inspect the “Redux” state tree. You will find the full structure on page -> datasets -> entity.

With this data, you can print out values and labels following the usual Value component flow. Here’s a brief example:

<h1><Value path="entity.title" /></h1>
  <li><Value path="entity.metadata.brief_description.label" />: <Value path="entity.metadata.brief_description.value" /></li>
  <li><Value path="" />: <Value path="" /></li>
  <li><Value path="entity.metadata.date_of_publication.label" />: <Value path="entity.metadata.date_of_publication.value" /></li>
  <li><Value path="entity.metadata.cover_image.label" />: <Value path="entity.metadata.cover_image.value" /></li>

This HTML code will print:

Name of a book

  • Brief Description: Something nice

  • Country: Ecuador

  • Date of Publication: 13 July, 1977

  • Image:

The metadata keys are the property names (sanitized to lower case and spaces replaced with underscores). Please note that you cannot directly use the Cover Image URL (value) to present an image instead of the URL text in the HTML of the page. To accomplish this, you need to use the EntityData component or, if you need more options, you would need to use the javascript area to assign the source of the image dynamically.

entityRaw and template datasets

The entity and entityRaw datasets have some values stored at the root level of the object, while most are stored inside the metadata object. Here is a brief example of what you can expect from the entityRaw dataset. Take the following entity structure:





Title of Entity



Data based on a Thesaurus of countries


A rich text description

Related Entities

Title of another entity, Title of a third entity

Data based on two relationships selected in Relationship field

Most properties will be inside the metadata object where the keys are the property names (sanitized to lower case and spaces replaced with underscores) and every value is actually an array of objects that have either value or label (or both keys, depending on their type). So, internally, the above entity will look like:

  _id: "89af7g8ad98ads"
  title: "Title of Entity"
  metadata: {
    country: [{ label: "India", key: "df9a88" }],
    description: [{ value: "A rich text description" }],
    related_entities: [
      { label: "Title of another entity", value: "9ad8f212" },
      { label: "Title of a third entity", value: "as182736a" },

So, to expand on the previous explanation, the way to extract the data for properties other than title, is with something like this:

<Value path=" />

This will print the value India on the page’s HTML.

As noted, you could use the Repeat component to list both items that are stored in the “Related Entities” metadata property. Here is a more in depth example of how to create a more complex display of property name and property values (also using the template dataset):

<p><Value path="" />: </p>
  <Repeat path="entityRaw.metadata.related_entities">
      <Value path="label" />

This will print:

Related Entities:

  • Title of another entity

  • Title of a third entity

Notice that the position of the property in template (in this case “2”) needs to be hardcoded to the array. The order respects the order in which the properties are defined in the template. Still, you can inspect this by analyzing the correct array position within the template. There are several ways to accomplish this:

  • explore your datasets (described in the next section)

  • do a repeat section of all the properties and extract their labels

  • inspect the response to the browser request to the templates endpoint

  • inspect the redux store in page -> datasets -> template

  • doing an API call to fetch the template

  • inspecting the database directly

These are all advanced procedures. Please refer to the different sections of this documentation depending on your desired approach. As noted, whenever possible, use the EntityData component first, if this does not provide with enough versatility try the entity dataset as it has more data and it is simpler to use. If not, default to the entityRaw dataset. Only use the javascript section of a page if all else fails.

Exploring your datasets

You can check the specific Entity-related datasets in a page by following this procedure.

  1. Create a new page with a title and the following contents:

    <h1>My page's Datasets</h1>
    <h3>Formatted entity data</h3>
    <pre id="formatted-entity"></pre>
    <hr />
    <h3>Raw entity data</h3>
    <pre id="raw-entity"></pre>
    <hr />
    <h3>Template data</h3>
    <pre id="template-data"></pre>
  2. Add the following script to the page:

    document.getElementById('formatted-entity').innerHTML = JSON.stringify(datasets.entity, null, 1);
    document.getElementById('raw-entity').innerHTML = JSON.stringify(, null, 1);
    document.getElementById('template-data').innerHTML = JSON.stringify(, null, 1);
  3. Enable the page to be used as an entity view.

  4. Assign the page to any template you would like for viewing it’s entities datasets.

Now, when you go to view any of the entities using that template, you will be able to see the Entity-specific datasets available.

Add a contact form to a page

A Contact Form gives visitors an easy way to get in touch with you. You can quickly add a contact form to a page by including the code snippet <ContactForm/>. You may add additional text in HTML around the contact form, if you wish. Messages sent using the contact form will be delivered to the email address that is configured in your collection’s settings. Learn more about configuring forms.

Add a submission form to a page

An intake or submission form allows visitors to submit a form that creates an unpublished/private entity in your database.

Step 1: You need to define a template for this form in your instance.

Step 2: To any page, you can add this code snippet with the template ID (the numbers in your template URL): <PublicForm template="ID_OF_THE_TEMPLATE" />

Step 3 (optional):

  • A document is a PDF that gets shown in the main section of Uwazi when an entity is viewed. To add a document field to the form, add this line of code: <PublicForm template="ID_OF_THE_TEMPLATE" file />

  • Attachments are attached to an entity and available for download, but their contents are not visible in Uwazi. To add an attachment field, add this line of code: <PublicForm template="ID_OF_THE_TEMPLATE" attachments />

In order for the form to sync into its corresponding template, you must also do the following:

Step 1: Go to the Settings Settings icon area, and click on Collection.

Step 2: Add the template under Whitelisted templates.

In the case of multiple synced Uwazi instances (currently an experimental feature not available to all users), you can configure submissions from a public form on one Uwazi instance to create an unpublished entity in a different Uwazi instance. To accomplish this, do the following:

Step 1: Add the template under Whitelisted templates (in Settings > Collection) for both instances.

Step 2: In the Uwazi instance that has the public intake form:

  • Add “remote” to the page’s code snippet, for example: <PublicForm template="ID_OF_THE_TEMPLATE" remote />

  • Go to the Settings Settings icon area, click on Collection, and add the URL of the target Uwazi instance under Public Form submit URL. (e.g.