Glossary of Terms
Collection - The database you can build with the Uwazi software, also known as the Instance.
Connection - Used to describe a Relationship, a feature that allows Entities to be connected.
Cookies- Bits of information shared by the websites you visit and stored on your computer’s hard drive. They help improve your web browsing experience as they “remember” your preferences from previous visits.
CSS - Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a language used to specify the presentation and styling of a document written in markup language such as HTML.
CSV File - A Comma-Separated Values (CSV) file is a plain text file that stores data by delimiting data entries with commas. You can import such a file into Uwazi when you have to migrate many data points into your Collection.
Data Model - The logical structure of your Collection, delineating interrelationships among various Entity types.
Entity - A type of information in your Collection (e.g. court, person, event). It encompasses Properties, can contain Primary Documents and/or Supporting Files, and can establish Relationships with other Entities.
Favicon - An icon that appears in the browser tab and bookmarks.
Filters - Criteria that refine the display of Entities in the Library at a given moment. These include Primary Filters, derived from the Collection’s entity Templates, and Secondary Filters, based on specific Properties within an entity Template.
Instance- Your specific installation of the Uwazi software. In other words, it refers to your Collection.
Landing Page - The initial page visitors encounter upon accessing the Instance.
- The place where all your Entities are displayed together for easy access.
Metadata - Information describing other data; it typically outlines the types of Properties within an Entity.
Primary Document - The main PDF that can be displayed, read, and highlighted within an Entity.
Property - A descriptive attribute assigned to Entities (e.g., author, significance, status, etc.).
Published Entities - Visible to anyone (if the Instance is public) or only to the users with access rights to the Instance (if the Instance is private).
Relationship - Facilitates connections between Entities, also referred to as Connection.
Relationship Types - Various types of Relationships that can be established between or within Entities, each bearing a descriptive name capturing the Relationship’s essence.
Reference - Links selected content in a PDF to other elements. References can point to other content within the same Primary Document or another Primary Document, an entirely separate Primary Document, or another Entity.
Restricted Entities - Present in the Library but unpublished, accessible solely to Admin and Editor users and specific individuals with explicit permissions.
Supporting Files - Attachments in any format (e.g., .doc, .txt, .jpg, .mp3, etc.) relevant to an Entity.
Templates - Initial models for new Entities, customizable with varying properties for each Entity type.
Thesauri / Thesaurus - Lists of terms referenced in Select and Multiselect properties. Thesauri is the plural form of the word thesaurus.
User - Any individual possessing login credentials for the Instance. Different user roles (Admin, Editor, Collaborator) and access levels are available.
ZIP File - A compressed file format required for use with the CSV Import feature when adding Entities containing Primary Documents and/or Supporting Files.