Glossary of Terms

  • Collection refers to the database that you are building with the Uwazi software. This can also be called your Instance.

  • Connection - A word that is sometimes used to describe a Relationship, which is a feature that allows Entities to be connected to one another.

  • Cookies are bits of information shared by the websites you visit and stored on your computer’s hard drive. They help improve your web browsing experience as they “remember” your preferences from previous visits.

  • CSS is a language that describes how HTML elements should be displayed.

  • CSV File is a comma-separated values file that can be imported into Uwazi. It is particularly helpful when you have a large number of datapoints that need to be migrated into your Collection.

  • Data Model refers to the logical structure of your Collection or, in other words, how the different types of Entities in your collection are organised and how they relate to one another.

  • Entity - In Uwazi, an entity is a type of information in your Collection (e.g. court, person, event). It contains Properties, can hold Primary Documents and/or Supporting Files, and can have Relationships to other Entities.

  • Favicon is an icon that appears in the browser tab and bookmarks.

  • Filters are criteria that narrow down the types of Entities shown at a given moment in the Library. There are two different kinds: Primary Filters, which are derived from the types of entity Templates that exist in your Collection, and Secondary Filters, which are derived from specific Properties within an entity Template.

  • Instance is your specific copy of the Uwazi software. In other words, it refers to your Collection.

  • Landing page is the first page that visitors see when they arrive at your Instance.

  • Library ../_images/image_0.png is the place where all of your Entities are displayed together for easy access.

  • Metadata is data that provides information about other data. In Uwazi, it usually usually describes the types of Properties included in an Entity.

  • Primary Document is the main PDF that can be displayed, read and highlighted within an Entity in Uwazi.

  • Property is a descriptive attribute that is assigned to Entities (e.g. author, significance, status, etc).

  • Published Entities are seen by the public (if the Instance is set to public) or everyone who has access to the instance (if the Instance is set to private).

  • Relationship - In Uwazi, a Relationship allows Entities to be connected to each other. We sometimes use the term Connection to describe the same feature.

  • Relationship Types are different types of Relationships that you can establish between or even within Entities. Each has a descriptive name that captures the essence of the Relationship.

  • Reference connects selected content in a PDF to something else. References can be made to other selected content in the same Primary Document, to other selected content in another Primary Document, to an entire other Primary Document, or to another Entity.

  • Restricted Entities exist in the Library but have not been Published yet. They are only accessible to Admin and Editor users as well as select individuals who have been granted explicit permission.

  • Supporting Files are attachments in any format (e.g., .doc, .txt, .jpg, .mp3, etc) that are relevant to an Entity.

  • Templates are a starting point for new Entities in Uwazi. They can be built and customised with different properties for each type of Entity.

  • Thesauri / Thesaurus - In Uwazi, Thesauri refer to lists of terms that are referenced in Select and Multiselect properties. Thesauri is the plural form of the word thesaurus.

  • User is anybody who has login credentials to your Instance. There are different types of user roles (Admin, Editor, Collaborator) and access levels.

  • ZIP File is a compressed format that you need to use with the CSV Import feature when adding Entities that contain Primary Documents and/or Supporting Files.